Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"You and I Embrace Surrender"

I have been learning a lot about surrender this year.  When I clicked the button today and sent my application into cyber space (but truly, into God's hands), Chris Tomlin's words crossed my mind: Embrace Surrender.

If you look up surrender in the dictionary, you find this definition:

To give up, abandon or relinquish.

If you look up embrace, you'll find this:

To clasp in the arms; press to the bosom.

It seems like embrace and surrender are two opposing forces.  One is telling us to release and one is telling us to cling.

Or it may be that when we are able to embrace surrender, we are then able to embrace God.  When we let go of everything of ourselves, everything of this world, we have Christ to cling to.  He is the anchor we hold to.  He is a far more powerful foothold than any that we can design for ourselves.

"When you and I embrace surrender.  When you and I choose to believe.  Then you and I will see who we were meant to be."