Monday, August 26, 2013

Trust and Faithfulness: Senior Year

As I am about to embark on my senior year of college, I am a healthy mixture of scared and excited.  Most people in my shoes are scared because they will be entering the working world where a job to match your college degree isn't a guarantee.  I have a little of that future job anxiety, but I am also facing some other big question marks.  What comes next?  Where am I going?  What does life look like beyond college?

These kind of questions spin you in circles.  If I would dwell on them all day, everyday, I'd already have gone mad.  But God calls us to take a leap sometimes in our lives - a leap without a visible landing.  He is patiently willing to walk with us through the short-sighted questions we ask, because He has the long-sight in view.

So here are my convictions, words, spaces for growth - whatever you want to call them - for this year and the road ahead.  Trust and Faithfulness.

Reflecting on our summer, and the journey between my Dad's previous job and his new job, my mom said this: that in our search for a job and God's new direction for our family she wanted to "be found faithful because God is faithful."  God certainly is faithful to His people.

But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3.  

We don't have to do anything for God to be faithful to us. He wants to be faithful. He is constant and steadfast and He keeps his promises. And when we give our hearts to our relationship with Him, it gives that relationship life - it urges us to want to give like the God is giving to us. I want to be faithful to God because He is faithful to me. Trusting in Him - in His plan for my life - is a huge part of being faithful.

When you see me on the other side of the journey of this year, I won't be trusting perfectly, I will not perfectly faithful. I will still be learning. But I know there will be people praying for me during this time. And I will be praying for anyone else who is about to leap - that you may walk with God, and always be learning to trust in Him, always be learning to be faithful to Him.


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