Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Worship: Bearing the Image

On occasion, I like to listen to recorded sermons from Mars Hill.  Mark Driscoll has some interesting points, and whether I agree with everything in his sermon, or not, I always walk away with something new to think about.  Right now, Mars Hill is in the midst of a sermon series on the Ten Commandments: Set Free to Live Free.  He has 10 sermons, each focusing on a commandment, and is currently on the 8th commandment.  I have only watched the first two.  The second one was particularly interesting - thou shall have no other idols before God.

Mark talks about idol worship and the distinction between idol worship and our worship of God.  He says that when we worship idols we seek to bargain - we give them something so that they will do something for us.  There is a price.  When we worship God, we worship God to bring glory to Him.  He gives to us richly because He loves us.  There is nothing that we could give Him that would increase the blessing.  He gives, because of who He is.

So Mr. Driscoll says this about worship: it is "image bearing."  We worship God by striving to be in His likeness.  We do not worship by bargaining with God - an hour of worship is not equal to a set quantity of blessings.
I haven't had this experience yet, because I don't have children, but have you ever seen a parent's face when they are told that their child looks just like them?  They are filled with a joy and excitement like no other.  Even more so, when they are told that their child does something just like they would do it.  They know that all the time in nourishing their growth, praying diligently about their upbringing, has been recognized. Their heart is full.

I can relate this story: first a little background info.  When I was 10, the Build-A-Bear craze was at its peak.  So for my birthday, I went to the shop and built my yellow lab, Laura.  I still have her today.  

Although it may be highly materialized and commercialized, I believe that there are some good intentions with Build-A-Bear.  When you are stuffing your animal with the best fluff money can buy, you can put a small heart inside of them.  You can kiss the heart and make a wish for it before you put it inside your animal and stitch them up.  As a 10 year old, you walk away knowing that your special Bear was made by you with love, kind of in the same way that you were created out of love.

However, Build-A-Bear is not the point to my story.  Fast forward a few years, and I'm over the craze.  But my little cousin, Haley, who was about 4, was just old enough to appreciate the chance to Build a Bear.  So my mom and I took her to the Build-A-Bear at a nearby mall.  You have to know that when Haley was younger, she spoke very softly and never said more than a few words at a time.  Now, she is the most conversational eleven year old you will ever meet.  So we finished her animal - she also decided to make a puppy like me.  

Then it was time to name the bear.  My mom, "Aunt Dawn," leaned down beside Haley to hear the name she chose.  Haley repeated the name several times, very softly and we just couldn't get it.  Tears started to swell in her eyes, and I knew I had to listen really closely...."Laura?"  That was it.  She chose the same name for her puppy as I had for mine.  As her big cousin I was honored that she thought I was that awesome, she wanted to be just like me.

Haley and I

We are called to worship because we are called to bring glory to God.  God's heart rejoices when He sees His children striving to live in the likeness of His son, Jesus Christ.  Therefore, worship is not limited to a sanctuary for an hour on a Sunday morning.  You are worshiping or in worship whenever you strive to live in His image, whenever you strive to be like Him.  You are not limited by a praise band or pews.  You can bear the image, and worship wherever you are.


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