Friday, January 17, 2014



I love silence.  I love silent walks.  I love silent car rides.  I love silent mornings and afternoons.  I am comfortable with silence far past most people's parameters.

Silence is a starry night in the middle of Green Lake, WI.  The velvet blue sky is silent.  The green grass is silent.  The cool lake is silent.  And I am silent.

Silence is a few hours of sleep here or there.  Silence is a walk home from campus.

I find silence comforting, because in the silence I don't have to have the answers.  In the silence, I can listen for the words that God is speaking to my heart.

So I may be silent for a while.  My writing will probably be scarce.   

I need some time to ask God what he wants of me and for me.  I need some time in prayer, just with Him. 

"For God alone, my soul, wait in silence.  For my hope is in Him."  Psalm 62:5
The big leaps that I have been afraid of for awhile are here.  It is exciting and terrifying, and it is time for it to happen.
On February 15th, the internship application is out of my hands and into the hands of the internship directors.  It has always been, and will continue to be in God's hands.  I know that, and I have come to trust that more and more.
"Be still and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations.  I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10
I am going to sit and wait in the silence for a while.  That is ok.  I know that God will speak.  God will make His will known at the perfect time.  With God it is an easy, and beautiful silence.

One of my favorite places to sit in silence.

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