Monday, April 7, 2014

MONDAY APRIL 7TH: The Essay I Should Have Written

During the past year I have been up to my eye balls in personal statements and essays.  The career services office at IU would tell you the purpose of writing these statements is to market yourself in the best way possible.  What writing these statements will do is bring on a heavy dose of self-reflection.  And panic - because there are moments when you just can't figure out how to put yourself on a piece of paper.

I am honored to report that one of those personal essays has secured me a spot as a dietetic intern at Mt. Mary University next year.  God is good.  He is patient.  His will is glorious.  I am so excited to continue on this journey to serve Him as a dietitian.  (This is just an announcement on the side :) )

I had to write a personal essay this year on what my greatest accomplishment at IU was.  I feel like I've done a lot at IU these past fours - nevertheless, it took me forever to write.  I loaded it full of academic this and teaching assistant that.  Volunteer hours here, leadership role there.  Those things are all great - but they don't do justice to what these four years have been in my life.

My mom explained it perfectly this evening while we were chatting: these four years have been remarkable because of the way I have grown in my relationship with Jesus Christ.  I have truly become a new person in Him.

Rough days, weeks and months have gone by, but I have experienced the savior who calms the storms within me.  I have experienced the redeeming power of the God who truly sees me.  I have buried myself in the miry pit, and have been pulled out by God's gracious hand.

I have watched my parents work everyday to live a life that is glorifying to God, and I have started to learn what that means for my own life.  What it means to wake up every morning and show faith, trust, grace, love - just like Jesus would have.

So if I could re-write that essay, I would say it is not about what I have accomplished, but about who I have become.  When I leave IU, I will add "Hoosier" to my identity.  I gave four years of time to this place.  But I am first and foremost the daughter of a good and glorious King.  I have given my life to Him.  My truest identity is in Him.


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