Sunday, July 27, 2014

Peacekeepers vs. Peacemakers: Church Sign Wisdom in Tosa

This week, Underwood Baptist Church, which resides on the corner of 76th and Hillcrest in Wauwatosa, posted this on their church sign:

Jesus wants Peacemakers, not just Peacekeepers

It is a thought-provoking and interesting statement.  Immediately, it made me ponder what the difference is between the two.

The main difference lies in maker vs. keeper.  The term keeper suggests maintenance.  Once peace is established, keep it going.  Within the maintenance, there will also hopefully follow prevention.  Don't let the peace unravel into disharmony.

The term maker suggests that something is being created.  Out of material comes a building.  Out of chaos comes peace.  Maker suggests that someone is getting their hands dirty.  Where peace is not, peace is brought into being.  

The Peacemakers also make an appearance in the Beatitudes.  They are said to be blessed, and will be called children of God, according to Matthew 5:9.

Is one better than the other - certainly not.  But I think we are called to be both.  Peacekeeping alone merely calls us to a life of safety.  We don't want conflict.  We don't want anybody to get upset.  We don't want to allow for growing pains.

At any given time, we may not agree with the leaders of our country and how they approach or manage foreign relations.  We also may criticize foreign leaders and their policies.  However, we have to acknowledge that what they are tasked with, what they have taken on, is not easy.  These individuals aren't just attempting to repair a relationship between two people, but relationships between two or more nations.  They encounter language, cultural, religious, and many other types of barriers.  This work is not just desk work.  Their primary communication isn't email or texting.  These leaders go and meet with one another.  Our leaders go into places like Russia, Iraq, Afghanistan - and many other places that offer only a hostile greeting.  But they know they have to step into the fray.  Restoring and renewing relationships cannot be done passively.    

Repairing relationships between nations isn't even as big as it gets.  God constantly and tirelessly works on repairing the relationship between Himself and us, the world that He loves so dearly (John 3:16).  We can't number the amount of things we do to turn away from or strain that relationship.  But God loves us so much that He is willing to work on that relationship, no matter how much we push away.  He is a Peacemaker, who always enters into the chaos of our brokenness and continues the reparation process.    

God gave us an incredible role model in peace-making.  Jesus, the Prince of Peace, who provides the brand of peace that "surpasses all understanding."  We are called to go into the world on His behalf and to construct peace on this earth by sharing His love and by walking in His way.  

The words of Micah 6:8 provide good guidancee on how to live like the Great Peacemaker: Do justice. Love kindness.  Walk humbly with God.

I am also always brought back to Paul's words in Galatians 5 regarding the fruits of the spirit.  We can strive for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Through prayer and persistence, we can learn to walk in the way of the Prince of Peace every day.


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