Friday, June 14, 2013

Truly, Thank God for Jesus

You can never spend enough time thinking about the Holy Trinity and what the relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and how that relates to God's relationship with us.  I have this ring on my right pinky finger that consists of two Celtic Trinity symbols back to back.  I love the symbol because it has three distinct points, but you cannot tell where the lines that lead to the points start or end.

God is the creator, lover, giver of grace.  He limits Himself in the form of a man, His son, Jesus, to come physically near to us - show us how to put His love into practice.  Jesus dies on the cross to wash away the stain of our sins, so that we can be close to God for life eternal.  God pours out His spirit on us to continue to be near to us, to make a home within us.

All parts of the trinity are important because they are expressions of God.  God is not limited.  He can express himself in so many ways in our world.  Limiting Himself in human form is just one of them.  I want to take some time to reflect on Jesus - God's physical nearness to us.

Often, the phrase "Thank God" is flippantly thrown around.  I don't like to say it, because of its casualness.  However, in this instance, I want to say it with sincerity: Thank God for Jesus.  There are so many wonderful things about Him that I want to take time to explore through a series of writing - to explore some aspects of who Jesus is.

Jesus is a bridge - a connection between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament.  He is the same God - steadfast and constant - and Jesus helps us make that transition and connection.

Jesus is the fulfillment.  The law was set forth, and Jesus showed us how to live it.  He took love that was written in a book and showed us how to live it.

Jesus is atonement. He took all our sins and all of our shame up on the cross with Him.  He gave His life, so that we could know God's grace.

Jesus is so many things.  For the next few writings, I am going to take some time to explore Jesus and how He strengthens our relationship with God.


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