Saturday, June 29, 2013

Week Two Reflections

Another week has passed in Green Lake.  Our group nearly quadrupled in size this week!  God works in the small things and the big things alike.

One of the days of our week at Quest is dedicated to talking about the lineage of Jesus and how different people in our lives have helped our faith walk.  As she closed the service tonight, Heather, the director of Quest, made the point that being a follower of Christ is not something we do alone.  We are called into this community that God provides for us.

This week, I had the blessing of spending time with people who have been extremely important in my faith walk.

The church group that I used to attend Quest with was here this week.  What I remember most from my years attending with them is not the Bible studies, the challenge course, or the games - it was the time at the end of the day, where we sat around as a group and shared our lives with each other and shared Christ's truth with each other.  They were my community - they are my community.  For a girl who grew up without a youth group of her own, they gave me a place to feel connected, to feel at home.

I was blessed to be able to spend time with co-workers past and present.  God gave me a community of incredible men and women last summer to start this journey with and has brought new men and women into my life to continue that journey with.  The smallest seed of my faith asked God for a community of friends to walk with me on this journey to be nearer to Him, and He grew that seed in a way so unimaginable and so incredible - and He continues to grow it.

My brother was here with me this week.  David and I have been a part of each others' journeys for the last (almost) 17 years.  I know in that time, he has looked up to me as his older sister, but now I look up to him too (not only because he is taller than I am).  I see a wonderful young man who is inclusive and welcoming, who is helping to grow a community around him.


Here is my reflection on this week: God takes the smallest things and makes them larger than we ever thought possible.  The message that I give on Tuesday nights focuses on God giving David five small stones, and allowing him to conquer a giant with it.  Serving God this week has been a lot like Jesus feeding the five thousand.  We see only a few loaves and fish in our baskets and we struggle to believe that it will be enough.  But it is not a physical abundance that we are in need of.  Through our faith in Him, God will multiply His blessings.  We may be limited, but God is not - and working through us He touch many lives, feed many people, and bring us nearer to Him.


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