Friday, October 25, 2013

From This Valley

As of late I have had the Civil Wars blowin' up my Spotify - which is just a fancy, college-age way of saying, I have been listening to the Civil Wars frequently.  Off of their new, self-titled album, there is one song in particular that has caught my attention: From This Valley.

It is upbeat, and has some beautiful lyricism.  The chorus goes like this:

Oh won't you take me from this valley,
to that mountain high above.
I will pray, pray, pray till I see your smiling face.
I will pray, pray, pray to the one I love.

It's a prayer.  One that I've prayed before with different words.  Probably one that you, or someone you know has prayed before.  God, lift me out of this valley, these hard times that I am facing, these struggles.  Bring me to your high ground.  Lift me up.  I want to be in your presence.

The second verse continues like this:

Oh the outcast dreams of acceptance, just to find pure love's embrace.
Like the orphan longs for its mother, may you hold me in your grace.

Have you ever felt so lost in your trials and struggles that you can't find a place that feels like home?  Have you ever felt so lost that you feel orphaned - you have no one to claim you?  I think sometimes our pain and our suffering does that to us.  Pushes us away.  Makes us believe we don't belong.  There is another prayer I have whispered: God bring me back home to you, make me your child again.  

If you are in the valley, and you don't want to be there, God can lift you.  He wants to hear you call out to Him.  He hears your prayers in the valley.  He wants you to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer." (Romans 12:12).  So lift it up to Him whether spoken, or sung, or just uttered by your heart.  Call out to your God.


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