Sunday, October 13, 2013

God's Truth: The Blessing of Sharing His Words

The last few years of my life have been a huge time of transformation in my relationship with Christ.  He has truly worked in my heart through my Church in Bloomington, through relationships here, through my summers in Green Lake and relationships there.  He has blessed me with the love and support of my parents and brother.  He has been showing me a lot about what a life lived for Him really is.  He has put strength and courage in my heart.

I have always loved to write.  I loved to write stories, and about my life experiences.  I think I had a thousand journals when I was younger - not because I filled them all - but I'd write a few things, then decided I needed a new journal to write in.  Sometimes a spiral notebook would suffice, and sometimes I needed a fancier medium for my writing.  Then Microsoft Word was introduced into my life. But the stories stayed in those journals and word documents.  In this past year God has urged me to share my stories.  It doesn't matter the number of pageviews, but it is out there.  And now my story is His story.  He is the "Author and Perfector."

I have just gotten around to uploading some videos from this summer of the message I was blessed to be able to share at Quest.  I want to share it here on my blog.

Early in life I was always hesitant to share my testimony (the word made me cringe) because I thought it would be boring.  My testimony is the one that starts, "Well, I grew up in a Christian home..."  But a testimony is dynamic.  The story is changing.  My testimony isn't about me, it's about the One who created me, so it is worth sharing.  If you have similar hesitations, know that your story has value because God is a part of it.  I hope and pray that God will use my words for His glory and His truth.


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