Friday, December 20, 2013

Perspective - It's Powerful

It is moments like this that I am humbled, and returned back to what is important, and what really matters.  At the end of this video, Leo, the man that the story is about, is asked how he keeps his "inner peace."  He says simply, "Faith. Prayer.  That's what it's all about."  What you find out about Leo during the course of the video, which was posted on Upworthy, is that he has been homeless and jobless for quite some time.  You'll be amazed by Leo's story.  When given the opportunity to learn computer coding and the possibility of a high paying job, what Leo really wants to do is design something that will better protect the planet.  A man who has no home, or car, or regular meals, still thinks of the betterment of others before himself.

Growing up, when I would see the faith of people, especially in 3rd world, impoverished countries, who proclaim this incredible faith in God, I was amazed.  They go for years without rain.  Have no homes.  Have little to no food or water.  Their land is ridden with disease.  I would like to think if I lived in those places and had those circumstances that my faith would be strong too.  But it is a reminder, that we can't just claim that God is good when the blessings are material and tangible - God is good because He gave Himself in abundance, and continues to give of Himself in abundance.

This year has been an incredible dose of perspective in what I really need.  The truth is, there are a lot of things I can do without.  It is not always easy, because when you get used to things you have to work on adapting.  But that is the point, they are things.  Things are not necessary.  Things can be replaced.

This is what I have come to know: the worst type of poverty is spiritual poverty.  Being hungry is terrible.  Not having a place to sleep at night is terrible.  Not having a job is terrible.  Having all of those things but not having Jesus is worse.  Losing all of those things and not having Jesus - I'm not sure where I would be.

"This is what I have come to know: the worst type of poverty is spiritual poverty."

I was humbled by this man's gratitude at the end of this video.  Gratitude that can only be inspired by faith.  Simple gratitude for God being who God is, and God doing what God does.  Again, it's not just about being thankful for the tangible blessings.  Things we can touch.  Things that actually happen.  It is about God being the creator and redeemer - and us being grateful for that.

So I believe that God is working on my heart.  I just wrote about my doubt and my fear - but I can already feel God working in my heart to change those things.  Reminding me that He takes care of it all if I am willing to surrender everything to Him.  Give up my plans.  Trust that if the plans don't come out exactly how I foresee them, it is not that I have failed, it is just that God has another direction in mind.


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