Friday, April 26, 2013

A Book Worth Reading

Here are two bold statements that I hold as truths:

1. There is only one man that has ever truly changed my life, and that is Jesus.
2. There is only one book that has radically changed the way I see and live life, and that is the Bible.

If you ever find yourself hinging huge life changes on or crediting them to a human being, you will be let down.  If you ever find yourself radically changing the way you live because of a book - be careful.  In the wise words of one of the pastor's at my church in Bloomington: read through the lens of Jesus.

Those are a few things I just wanted to throw out there before I talk about about a book I've recently read.  Although I have not restructured my life around it, I do believe that it offers some worthwhile ideas.  The author wrote it with Godly guidance and intentions, and with evident love and care for others.

The title of the book?  I Kissed Dating Goodbye.  When I heard the title for the first time, my eyes narrowed, and I was prepared to just say no, altogether.  I would have missed out.  The author, Joshua Harris, writes about the way our generation often pursues relationships - in a way that pushes God to the side and seeks immediate gratification, and desires intimacy without responsibility and commitment.  The book focuses on relationships and what God desires from us in our relationships with others, but it also speaks about our relationship with Him.

Harris' book has a lot of good points.  One that struck me was this: every relationship (be it friendship or beyond) is an opportunity to model Christ's love.  That is true.  To honestly and truly center a relationship on God means that each person is living out a Christ-like existence and sharing Christ-like love (and not only together, but individually too).  It doesn't sound easy, and it isn't easy.  Relationships are something we have to work hard to maintain.  We have to put an effort into practicing and living out that Christ-like love.

I would recommend this book to anyone in my life.  I would recommend it to a young single friend, I would recommend it to an engaged friend, I would recommend it to my parents or any married couples, and especially those raising children.  When reading the book, I had to remember that I was a different person than the author, and I have a different and unique relationship with God.  Not everything that is right for Joshua Harris is right for me.  It has not radically changed the way I approach dating, but it has opened my eyes to how I focus all of my relationships.  I want to pursue all relationships, with all people in my life in a way that emanates Christ's love.  


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