Thursday, April 18, 2013

Words and Meditations

After a brief hiatus from my lenten writings, I am returning to writing, and sharing my writing.  I am thankful for everyone who read my writings during Lent and I am thankful for the kind words that you shared of your own.  God has blessed me with a love for writing and an ability to do so.  It has helped me grow in my relationship with Him and has also been very healing at times.  Sharing love and hope and God's truth is a powerful thing and I want to continue to do so.

I will be spending my summer as a camp counselor serving God in the beautiful Green Lake, WI.  Christ's love was modeled for me as a camper at Quest, and now I am returning to model Christ's love for others and learn from them as well.  Although wifi is sparse, I will be sharing some words and meditations this summer.

Psalm 19:14 says "May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."

I absolutely do not know it all.  And I will never claim to.  God is working with me where I am at, and bringing me beyond that.  My hope and my striving is that God's words and truth can be found in the words I publish here.  My identity is in Him and I long for that to shape all that I do.  I also long to be honest, because I believe God calls me to be.  Honest in my frustrations and honest and sincere in my love for Him and others.

I chose to call this blog How Great Thou Art, because God is great.  He is first and He is the center.  This is about Him.  This is His truth.  I don't own it, but I want to share it.


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