Tuesday, March 4, 2014

LENT 2014: Living in the Moments

Last Lenten season began a journey of daily writings and reflections on music inspired by God's word. Life has been so crazy that I completely forgot about giving up or adding in something for Lent until a friend reminded me at work today.

Something that I have found particularly amazing this past year is how the weeks have just flown by.  I have always wished for time to keep moving.  I am a goal setter.  I love making countdowns.  I live for the milestones.  But this summer, I found myself almost breathless at one point when I realized that time was racing.  During this school year I often reach the weekends and wonder where the weekdays have disappeared to.  There is a dichotomy between my disdain for waiting and my yearning to slow down the racing days.

So maybe this Lenten season will be focused on slowing down.  Taking life day by day.  Moment by moment.

Mondays - Mondays have been really great days this year.  Isn't that crazy?  The day we all despise!  After a long day of class and work, I get to sit down with a wonderful group of ladies at the IMU Starbucks.  We sit and talk about life, God's word; things that we are joyful about, things that we are struggling with.  My small group has been an incredible gift during my last year of college.  So Mondays will be joyful Mondays.

Tuesdays - Tuesdays will be a day for thankfulness.  Every day should be a day for Thankfulness.  But we will give Tuesday that because of the consonance.

Wednesdays - Wednesdays are for WONDER or AWE.  For the weekly, daily, hourly moments that are often taken for granted.  But if we stop and look at them, we see how the great breath-giver can take our breath away.

Thursdays - Truth.  Trust. Time. There are a lot of good T-words to go with.

Fridays - Forward.  Although through Lent I want to focus on the present, the joy in the here and now, I believe as Christians, God calls us to live a forward life.  When we think of faith, hope, repentance and so many other tenets of our lives in Christ, those are all things that bring us into tomorrow, into what God has in store for us.

As we move into this season, and begin to reflect on Christ's journey to the cross,
may we turn our eyes
...to the Creator of our first and last moments
...to the Redeemer of our broken moments
...to the Healer of our painful moments
...to the one who knows all of our moments long before we do.


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