Thursday, March 13, 2014


I don't remember when I was first introduced to the Holy Trinity.  It is a BIG concept whether you are a 5-year-old in Sunday School or a 55 year-old.  Our God is three in one - Father, Spirit, Son.  What does that mean?  He is three, but at the same time one...We struggle with it because it is not humanly possible.  But God is not human, so it is possible.

What does the trinity mean in our lives?  Maybe that is the question we can ask...The trinity shows us perfect relationship between Father, Son and Spirit.  The kind of relationship that is intended for us with God in heaven.

There is also something interesting about how the trinity was revealed to us.  The three parts of the trinity have always been, since time began.  From our point of understanding, we first know God, the creator of our universe.  He was there with Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses...then we meet God incarnate, Jesus the Son.  And then Jesus talks about the advocate that God will send after Jesus leaves, that advocate being the Holy Spirit.

There is something interesting about the way that God chose to reveal the trinity to us.  We first know God.  God is great and majestic.  We don't have a tangible image of God.  We know He must be beautiful because all that He has created is beautiful.  We know He is faithful to His people.  We know that He loves His people.

And then God lives among us as the Son, Jesus.  Jesus is fully human and fully divine.  Jesus is our brother.  Jesus eats meals with us.  Jesus goes to the temple with us.  Jesus lives life with us.  God comes closer through Jesus.

After Jesus goes to be with the Father, God sends His Holy Spirit to not only dwell among us, but within us.  The Holy Spirit is sent to protect us, to guide our hearts and our minds.  God comes closer through the Holy Spirit.

God always wants to be closer to us.  We can see that through the holy trinity.  He always longs to be near to our hearts.  God just wants to be closer and closer to the people that He loves.


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