Monday, March 17, 2014

MONDAY MARCH 17TH: Joy in Creating

I love to knit.  I taught myself to knit on a trip my family took to Niagara Falls when I was in high school.  I knew we would be in the car for a long time, so I thought learning to knit would be a good thing to pass the time.  Knitting that first scarf took forever.  I had bought two skeins of this multicolored yarn.  It unwound in reds, purples, and oranges.

By the time we drove to New York and back I had made a scarf.  It was a little crooked, and the stitches weren't extremely smooth, but it was the first scarf that I had made.

Since that scarf, I knit as often as I can.  It takes some trial and error, but I have made mittens and hats.  It is amazing how all the little stitches come together to make something much bigger.

What do you like to make or create?  Whenever I finish a piece of knitting I feel proud.  It doesn't matter if it is perfect or if a few stitches need to be mended.  What I have made is beautiful to me and I will wear it proudly.

We truly cannot fathom the depths of God's love.  But I know that because He created us, His love for us is intentional, beautiful and careful.  God feels that overwhelming pride in us when He steps back and looks at His creation.  Maybe we have a few stitches that need to be tightened, but we are beautiful because we are His.  God doesn't have a mold in which He casts His sons and daughters.  He starts from scratch each time.  He makes us all different and beautiful.  That is love, that we have been designed by a joyful creator.


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