Thursday, March 6, 2014


Truth: God works in the waiting.

Waiting is something that we often find agonizing and terrifying.  Sitting in the waiting room at a hospital or clinic is rarely every an experience that we associate with joyful anticipation or excitement.  It's not even an experience that we could say gives us peace or sets our mind at ease.

Maybe you are waiting to hear if you got the job or, in my case, the internship.  You are ready to set the rest of your life into gear, but it is contingent on that one decision.  Why do we have to wait?  Why can't we know now!?

What does it mean to need time?  We can get a lot done with just time.  We can clean more of our houses, study for more of our exams.  We are always wanting to fill time.  We want time as a part of our plan to accomplish more.

Unlike us, God doesn't need time.  God can do what God does in a second or in a lifetime.  But God uses time and waiting as a part of His plan for each of us.  With time, God can change your heart and your mind and He can change the hearts and minds of others.  Maybe He is working on the mind of the woman right now who is reading your resume...

God changes our hearts in the waiting.

"But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."  Isaiah 40:31

So the waiting room that we sit in becomes a space of transformation, where God speaks to our hearts.  It becomes a place of growth.

God wants joy for His children.  His plan for us is prosperity and an abundant life with Him.  One of the greatest blessings that He gives us is time with Him.   

In your season of waiting, it may be hard to find peace.  I know it is for me.  My prayer is that you feel God's presence in the waiting.  That you learn to trust Him in the silence.


p.s.  Here are some tunes for Thursday.  One of my favorite bands talking about more time.


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