Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summer Update: Mathew 6

May 10th marked my 22nd birthday and the completion of my undergraduate education.  Now that it is summertime, I have begun a wonderful summer (potentially fall/winter/spring) job at a local grocery store (more about that in another post).  I have my internship ahead of me, and I am excited that God has lead me to this place.  Like so many other students out there, my education has been partially funded by the United States of America - and they are going to be looking for a return on that soon.  Even if you got out of college unscathed by student loans, you might be facing the world of job-searching, or the reality of a tight budget.

I see God's grace in the opportunity to return home and do my internship at a location 10 minutes away from my house.  I am grateful to my parents for the home that they have provided and the ability to live at my house during this upcoming year - I won't have to carry the burden of rent and utilities.  (And if you know my parents, they aren't the type to kick their kids to the curb once they are done with school - even so, I want to express my gratitude to them.)

The financial stress we face on the cusp of adult life, or in the middle of adult life, or anywhere in life, is trying.  For me, where last year's journey was learning to trust in God's faithfulness in His plan and calling for my life, this year's journey is one where I will be learning to trust in God's provision in whatever form that may be.

This evening, I sat down with a canvas and paintbrush, and I illustrated the verse that has convicted me as I move in to this next chapter.  I drew it out, and now I am prepared to stamp it on to my heart.  Matthew 6:24-26; a passage entitled "Do Not Worry."  I want to break down each of the three verses:

Matthew 6:24 - "No one can serve two masters.  Either you will hate one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and money."

We go through life with numerous financial obligations.  There are the monthly ones: cable, electricity, water, rent, etc.  There are the big ticket items: a house, a car, etc.  We have to buy groceries.  We have to buy clothing.  We have to manage money to do these things.  

But Jesus gives us a warning.  He alludes to what money can become: an idol.  We live comfortably, but we are tempted to have more of a cushion.  We have nice, clean clothes, but it would be nice to buy designer brand.  We have a house, but it would be nice to move into a bigger one.  And then we are driven by that next possible pay increase.

Idolatry of money can also happen if we are irresponsible with our monetary resources.  Part of being a faithful follower of Christ is setting an example for other believers and those who don't know Him.  It is hard to be pure of heart when we make selfish decisions or use the blessings that God gives us in a careless way.

Money does not give grace, or love, or forgiveness.  It is an idol that needs to be fed, but will never be satisfied.  We have the choice to surrender to a greater master who asks us to give a mere 10% to His church, our lives to Him - and whether or not we do that well or we stumble along the way, He will continue to pour out blessings unconditionally.    

Matthew 6:25 - "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?"

This middle verse, I have to admit that I struggle with it somewhat.  I know there are a lot of people in this world who don't have enough layers of clothes to make it through a harsh winter.  There are also a lot of people that are wondering where their next meal will come from.  But I think there is something deeper to this verse than just food, drink, and clothing.

Last summer I gave a sermon to campers at Quest.  I talked about David and Goliath, and how God provides exactly what each of His children needs.  For David, God knew that Saul's armor would not help him defeat the Philistines.  God called David to be armed with faith, a slingshot, and a few stones.  

I pray that God's truth was heard through my words last summer.  Over the past year, I heard God speak to me through those same words.  I thought, Sarah, you got up and told those campers and friends that you love how God provides exactly what we need - you need to trust that the same is true in your life.  

Our needs are not the same as our neighbors'; and our needs range far beyond monetary needs. I would like to see everyone in this world with a warm winter coat when needed, and a meal three times each day.  We can help others, and share the blessings God pours out - and when our resources are limited, we have to trust that God provides for others when we can't.  

Matthew 6:26 - "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow, or reap, or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?"

This verse reminds me again, that God is mindful of His children.  God pays attention to detail.  Even the smallest details.

At my house, we have a family room that was built on in 20th century, a while after the original house was built.  Three windows at the back of this room frame our back yard.  When I sit on my couch, I can look out these windows and see the metal fence that separates my backdoor neighbor's yard from mine.  One day in particular, I looked out to see this little puff of feathers perched atop than fence.  A little bird had made it from its nest, wherever that was, to the top of this fence.  The mother bird hovered by her baby, trying to encourage the little puff to once again take flight.  I watched as the little ball of feathers tried to stretch out its legs and take flight.  It took many tries, and then the little bird was finally able to leave the fence.

I'm sure that God was watching this same moment take place from a different point of view.  And if He cares for that little ball of fluff and feathers, He also watches me.  He looks out for my well-being.  He provides exactly what He knows I need.


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