Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer Update: Using Our Gifts

God works in all things.  Even through Google.  I'll let you in on a secret: when I sit down to write I usually have some idea of what I plan to write about.  And when I write I try to use God's word in scripture as the center of my own writings as much as possible.  So I sat down to write today, without a scripture verse, but with an idea - I Googled that idea and 1 Peter 4:10 was the first verse that popped up.

Now, for those of you reading that know me personally, you know I'm not the type to be all The Holy Spirit just moved the Google to speak to me this morning.  No. I know how Google works - you get results based on what other people search most frequently.  But, I do believe that God would have brought me to this verse eventually in whatever way He chose.

Enough with that sidebar...

So this summer I am working at Sendiks, a grocery store that is local to the Milwaukee area.  It is a great job!  I get to work hands on (not directly hands on - I'm a food safety professional so I diligently wear latex gloves) with produce.  I love to educate people about food and nutrition, but I especially love working directly with food.  The people I work with are great as well!

But, this wasn't my first job interview or option of the summer...

Back in the spring, during my spring break, I applied to some retail stores at Mayfair Mall.  When I dropped off my application at Ann Taylor, the woman was all like "so, do you shop at Ann Taylor?"  I almost laughed out loud - I shop at Ann Taylor second hand when I can find her stuff on a rack at Good Will.  But I got out an "!"  Which was not totally a lie, because I bought one shirt, one time, off a the clearance rack.  I also applied to Aerie and Eddie Bauer - I wanted just a simple summer job where I could smile at people when they walked in the store, help them find the apparel that they wanted, and fold some $80 pairs of jeans.  But no interviews came of those places.

I also had an interview at a great local coffee place.  It was a great interview!  And as a loyal Milwaukeean, I still love this coffee place.  Unfortunately my schedule (with the upcoming internship) was not a good fit for all the training that job would require.  So at the end of that interview, like at the end of a bad date where someone says it's not you, it's me, I couldn't get up fast enough...but that's ok, I'll probably still drink their coffee from time to time.

Then, after a few more applications, Sendik's responded and called me in for an interview - and I got the job!  Which brings me to 1 Peter 4:10:

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."

This past year, through the craziness of applying for my internship, I constantly prayed for God to reveal to me that He did want me to become a dietitian and serve Him through that career.  And if that was not His plan for my life, to begin leading me down a different path.  But through that time, I have learned that my passion to become a dietitian, work with food, teach others about good nutrition, are all gifts that God has given me.  

Peter urges us to use those gifts that God has given us.  He also urges us to be faithful stewards - that is the key phrase.  To me, a faithful steward is someone who devotes their gifts in a way that allows God to flourish them.

Even though I will not have this job forever, it is just a reminder that God longs to have me right where He wants me.  In Jeremiah 29:11, when He speaks of His plans to prosper us, His children, He is talking about using the gifts and blessings that He gives us so that they are abundant and prosperous.   That prosperity is for us and people around us.

He who lights the fire within us, will direct its light.


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